I am blogging under pressure.
Initially I wasn't intending to start a blog... mainly as I am not sure what I think of them... but comments from others has made me feel guilty about starting something and not finishing but also guilty for not providing readers with a proper post. Have I been sucked in? Is this need to give the 'audience' a show what drives blogging.
Also feel as if I am bloggin under a pretence as this is really part of a module on
this course - and I am not doing the module!
Still very confused as to the point of blogging. Especially the reasons behind choosing to make public something that could be contained within emails (particularly as most comments/readers come from linked blogs, which are made up of people bloggers already know).
Ideas or answers much appreciated!
This is a
beautiful image (and one of my favourite websites), I recommend it as a way to forget the distractions of everyday life that we create around us.